Cookies and Cocktails

On Saturday night, we celebrated Women’s History Month the lovely ladies of LUPEC at one of the best places in Pittsburgh to get a cocktail: Kelly’s!

LUPEC debuted their new cocktail menu, which is full of delicious drinks, and On the Spot prepared a classy cookie-table with recipes taken from the 1953 edition of the Joy of Cooking.

Thanks to all of the lovely people who came out, we raised almost $200 and collected 25-30 packages of pads and tampons and a Diva Cup for young girls in our region!

Thank you to everyone who came out and donated. We hope you enjoyed the cocktails and desserts as much as we did!

And of course, another big THANK YOU to LUPEC for organizing the fundraiser for On the Spot. And for creating such delicious cocktails.

Cocktails & Cookies

It’s time to pretend to be classy! March is Women’s History Month and Pittsburgh’s own Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails (LUPEC) has dedicated their March 19th fundraiser to On the Spot!

Join us Saturday March 19th, 9pm at Kelly’s (6012 Penn Circle South). There’s no cover charge, but don’t forget to bring some menstrual supplies!

We’re very excited about this fundraiser because the ladies of LUPEC are amazing and will be introducing their new cocktails menu at Kelly’s that night. Never fear! There will be a cookie table! We will be preparing an extra special cookie table featuring a cookie for each cocktail. And these won’t be just any regular cookies, but will be baked with the care and love that comes only from a 1950s housewife who bakes while enjoying a cocktail.

See you on March 19th!