Get Ready for Round 3

Looking to gorge yourself on cookies and other baked treats while donating menstrual supplies to girls in need around the Pittsburgh region? You’re in luck, On the Spot will be hosting another party to gather donations to supply girls with the menstrual supplies they need.

When: Tuesday May 24th, 6pm – 9pm

Where: Hough’s in Greenfield (563 Greenfield Avenue)

Costs: $10 or $5 and a package of pads or tampons (pads preferred)

All the stuff you love will be back: raffle prizes, a 50/50, a DJ, and of course: multiple cookie tables!

New York Times Article Focuses on Tween Pads

The New York times had a piece last week about Kotex’s efforts to make a new line of pads more tween-friendly. Girls have started menstruating earlier and earlier in their life, and it’s great that products are being created to make the products they need tailored to them. The body of a 9-year-old is quite different than the body of a 30-year-old! The packaging of the products is bright and friendly and reminds me of one of my favorite Trapper Keepers from middle school.

Check out the article here.

Don’t forget you can buy some of these products and drop them off at one of our donation drop-off spots.